Monday, September 13, 2021

3-step eye skin care routine to prevent sagging

eye skin care routine

Wearing masks has made the area around your eyes more important than ever before. Furthermore, recently, due to the effects of the dry air, there seems to be an increase in the number of concerns about wrinkles and sagging around the eyes.

So, we asked beauty skin researcher Yumi Sugimoto to give us some tips for skincare around the eyes.

1: The key to skincare around the eyes is "mille-feuille" application.

When taking care of your skin, most people probably apply a layer of lotion. However, I feel that not many people apply creams in layers. Since the area around the eyes does not have much sebum, it is recommended to use a "mille-feuille" method of applying not only lotion but also cream in layers.

Also, when applying skin care around the eyes, use your fingers. In most cases, the corners of the eyes, where dry lines and wrinkles are a problem, are not properly moisturized. To moisturize evenly, use your fingers as well as the palm of your hand to apply moisture evenly.

2: Prioritize "fixing eye moisturizer" over fixing eye makeup.

Eye makeup will inevitably fall off more easily when you take care of your skin, including oil. However, the mask effect makes your eyes look brighter even if your eye makeup is a little thin, so if possible, prioritize corrective eye moisturizing over eye makeup.

Tissue off the sebum on the surface, and then apply milky lotion or cream to the tear troughs and the outer corners of your eyes. Areas that are out of the mask can easily become dry even when you blink, so if you want to avoid skin problems around your eyes, re-moisturize.

3: If that doesn't work, special care.

No matter how much you take care of your eye area in your daily skincare routine, there are times when you can't keep up with your moisturizer.

If this is the case, try intensive moisturizing care to replenish the moisture. Cut a cotton ball into a suitable size, moisten it with plenty of lotion, and place it around your eyes. Leave it on for about five minutes, then remove the cotton and cover with cream.

If you are concerned about dryness around your eyes, this special care is very effective.

The area around the eyes is subjected to a lot of stress due to eye makeup and blinking, and is also prone to dryness. Recently, people are wearing masks more and more, which draws attention to the eyes more than ever, so eye care is important if you want to make a good impression! Please take a look at the following tips.