Saturday, September 11, 2021

3 steps to blackhead care by skin care gurus

blackhead care

In addition to skin irritation caused by the steam from wearing masks, many people may be concerned about blackheads in their pores these days due to the season.

Conspicuous blackheads not only cause makeup to fall off, but can also lead to further skin problems. It's best to take care of them as soon as possible before they become a problem.

For this article, we asked beauty skin researcher Yumi Sugimoto to tell us about her own 3-step routine for blackheads.

STEP1: Moisturizing nose pack with cotton

In fact, even if the inside of the mask is stuffy, your skin is often dry due to inner dryness.

Dry skin is said to be one of the causes of blackheads, so it is important to take care of the lack of moisture in your skin. Therefore, I use regular cotton packs to moisturize my nose and other areas that are prone to blackheads.

After going through the usual skin care routine, I simply place a cotton pad moistened with lotion on my nose. I remove the cotton before it dries out and quickly cover it with cream to complete the process.

For extra moisturizing, apply milky lotion on top of the cotton pack or cover with plastic wrap to prevent the lotion from evaporating, and leave it on for 2 to 3 minutes.

STEP2: Special care with enzyme face wash

If you start to notice sebum clogging in your pores, special care is recommended as soon as possible. Usually, when I feel roughness on my nose, I use enzyme face wash to take care of dead skin cells to prevent clogging of pores with dead skin cells and avoid blackheads.

Enzyme face wash is said to be an effective treatment for blackheads, but be careful about the frequency. If you overdo it, it will remove the necessary moisture and lead to skin problems.

In my case, I use enzyme cleanser only when I am concerned about roughness, or at most once a week. This is enough for me to avoid blackheads.

STEP3: Wash your face carefully morning and night.

It is very difficult to take care of blackheads in pores after they have formed. Therefore, it is important to take care of blackheads before they form.

I am especially conscious of washing my face carefully in the morning and at night. I try not to irritate my skin by scrubbing, but I also make sure not to leave any dirt in my pores.

In the morning, I use a foaming face wash to press and rinse my face with dozens of lukewarm water scooped out with both hands. At night, I cleanse my face thoroughly so that there is no dirt left behind from the mixture of makeup and sebum. I am careful not to scrub too hard.

Summer is the season when sebum clogging and blackheads in pores are more likely to occur than other seasons. In addition, the moisture from wearing masks makes it easier for blackheads to form in the pores.

Please refer to the blackheads routine care introduced in this article to avoid skin irritation and keep your skin beautiful.